Platte River Power Authority is a Colorado political subdivision established to provide wholesale electric generation and transmission to the utilities of its owner communities – Estes Park, Fort Collins, Longmont and Loveland.

Estes Park

Town of Estes Park
Estimated population*: 6,426
Utility: Estes Park Power and Communications, established in 1945
Source to Switch

Fort Collins

City of Fort Collins
Estimated population*: 170,243
Utility: Fort Collins Utilities, established in 1938
Source to Switch


City of Longmont
Estimated population*: 97,261
Utility: Longmont Power & Communications, established in 1912
Source to Switch


City of Loveland
Estimated population*: 78,877
Utility: Loveland Water and Power, established in 1925
Source to Switch

*Based on the U.S. Census Bureau