Visitors are welcome to attend Platte River's March board meeting. For your convenience, a virtual option is also available. With the health and safety of our staff and the public in mind, please do not attend if you're sick or experiencing any cold or flu like symptoms, or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last seven days.

Board meeting information
Thursday, March 27 at 9 a.m.

To join via Zoom

To call in via phone
US: +1 720 707 2699
Webinar ID: 863 6807 4633

Public comment
Public comment during the regular board meeting will be available for in person and virtual attendees. Public comment will be taken during the public comment portion of the agenda, is limited to 30 minutes and is not intended to be a question-and-answer session. Subject to the board chair’s discretion, time will be divided equitably among those asking to speak but not to exceed three minutes. Written public comment can be submitted to the board secretary.

For those members of the public attending virtually who wish to speak during the public comment portion of the board meeting, use the “raise your hand” function within the options; or, if you are joining by phone, dial *9. Be prepared to unmute your line when you are called on by your name or your phone number to speak.

Please state your name before addressing the board and staff. When your time is up, we will alert you and place you back on mute.